During the residency, I worked closely with the youth at Petru Rareș. They were full of energy and creativity, which made every session exci...Read More
Big Buna Ziua! This month was filled with Romanian folklore and traditions, working on MAF. I’m writing this report while battling fever in ...Read More
This month passed so fast that I don’t remember all the things we did. By the beginning of this month, we had our last exhibition about the ...Read More
It’s unbelievable how fast it is going. This is for me the third time writing this report, which means I have been here over 3 months. This ...Read More
We started this month with a heartwarming event at Liceul Tehnologic Petru Rareș. It was a charity event where they collected food to donate...Read More
We’ve just finished the MAF residency, and while the beginning was a bit challenging, the remaining days went really well. We had a group of...Read More