Dacă decembrie a fost despre Țara Bascilor, în ianuarie vă invităm să descoperiți Turcia! Prima activitate va avea loc vineri, 28 ianuarie 2...Read More
The first snow of the year fell in December. At first, it looked like a postcard everywhere. It was very nice, it gave you a good feeling to...Read More
During December time flew so quickly, that I even didn’t have a moment of realization that it is gone. While I have been here perception of ...Read More
The first week of December, we celebrated Basque culture at the Act House. On Friday, we projected “Dantza” by Telmo Esnal, as an introducti...Read More
În perioada 14 - 21 decembrie 2021, 5 tineri din comuna Deleni, membri în Ansamblul Hurgheșul și Hurgheșelul, coordonat de Parohia Feredeni,...Read More
The farewell month of 2021 could only be this beautiful! I think I went through all the culture shocks and adjusted to them. An important mo...Read More