In July started working with the new volunteers, doing workshops and getting to know each other better. We welcomed the new volunteers with ...Read More
Aliko Muska stated that in Ioannina, in Greece, the initial plan was to have the Sports Activator event with 4 teams of 7 people in order to...Read More
Hugo Agra Gomes dos Santos and his team created an online Webinar about Family Health and Well-being. The city council had helped him to pro...Read More
În perioada iulie - septembrie 2020, vom oferi persoanelor interesate din Târgu Frumos și zonele limitrofe, posibilitatea de a participa la ...Read More
Let me tell you a story. It was the month June of that year, the weather just started to get warmer and warmer everyday. I could feel the ch...Read More
June has passed and I now find myself in the half of this volunteering experience in Târgu Frumos. More than the previous months, June has b...Read More
June came and went faster than I thought. The on arrival training has finished and with the less strict condition of the alert status we wer...Read More
June was a month of discovering Romania and make new friends. The situation with the virus improved, so we had the opportunity to go a littl...Read More
Velizara Koleva Pencheva, member of the Spanish team, shared that Sports Activator had 23 participants in Valencia. Veli organised a present...Read More
In Athens, Greece, the Sports Activator event involved 20 students and 7 coaches. At the start, the coordinators and the coaches discussed t...Read More
Echipa de 4 voluntari internaționali ai SUPER TINERI, cu sprijinul voluntarilor locali, au realizat primul cântec internațional despre Târg...Read More