
Rural Greeners | Oportunitate pentru Antreprenorii Verzi

Ești la început de drum? Oferi servicii și/sau produse prietenoase cu mediul? Îți pasă de calitatea și impactul activității tale asupra oamenilor și mediului înconjurător? Atunci înscrie-te în programul Rural Greeners! Selectăm 5 antreprenori cu afaceri și proiecte în armonie cu natura, din Târgu Frumos și zonele rurale ale județului Iași pentru a participa la un program de învățare și dezvoltare antreprenorială. Sprijinul include formare, mentorat, promovare și networking, valoarea totală a serviciilor furnizate de asociație și parteneri fiind de 1.000 de euro/antreprenor. Costurile sunt acoperire de finanțarea oferită de Uniunea Europeană, prin Programul Erasmus+. Pentru înscriere, e nevoie să completezi acest formular: . Profilul antreprenorilor căutați: Să coordoneze o afacere sau un proiect sustenabil, în orice domeniu, în județul Iași. Câteva exemple de afaceri sustenabile și verzi sunt: ferme organice, turism ecologic, producție de energie reg

Comunicat de presă | Explorarea Europei fără vedere - Călătoria începe cu mine!

Asociația Super Tineri - Asirys lansează proiectul "Călătoria începe cu mine!", o inițiativă dedicată tinerilor cu deficiențe de vedere din zona Moldovei, finanțată de Uniunea European prin Programul Erasmus+, acțiunea DiscoverEU. Ce propune proiectul?   Proiectul își propune să sprijine integrarea socială a tinerilor cu deficiențe de vedere și nevăzători, prin expunerea lor la experiențe interculturale în Europa. În cadrul proiectului, 6 tineri vor avea oportunitatea să participe la două călătorii cu trenul, de 15 zile, în diverse țări europene. Cum se desfășoară proiectul?   Proiectul include mai multe etape: 1. Activități pregătitoare : Ateliere de teambuilding, cultură, și pregătire în limba engleză pentru a îmbunătăți abilitățile de comunicare și de adaptare ale tinerilor participanți. 2. Călătoria : Participanții vor explora 5 țări europene în fiecare călătorie, vizitând obiective culturale și interacționând cu comunități locale. În același timp, vor identifica cât de a

Arts Lab 5.0: Carla Ditmeyer, Bolivia - Final Report

And here I am, writing my last report thinking that everything that happened during these 6 months was only a dream. The best thing about it is that this wasn’t a dream, and all the people that I met during this amazing period of my life were as real as the world itself. I think I still need time to process everything that happened and how happy it made me. The last month was chaotic for sure. I remember on my last day while eating my breakfast, I started to randomly cry when my brain realized at that moment it was my last time doing my usual routine. It made me so sad that I couldn’t stop my tears and my inner soul that wanted to scream because I got attached; very attached. This project gave me so many things that I cannot even start naming one of them. This project made me realize what I hold very dearly to my heart, and that’s people. Probably something that really touched my soul was the vision of my coordinator which was connecting people through art. I find my professional journ

Arts Lab 5.0: Sena Yavuz, Turkey - Month 5

While we were coming to the end, the month started a bit weird. Carlita turned back from Bolivia, so the ambiance of the home changed immediately with my Linda. But at the same time, we found Haşmet, seriously injured from his neck. So we had some stressful days when we were worrying about his life. So we spent a lot of time to take care of him in the best way possible. In the end, little Haşmetcito became good.  Then we went to our first caravan, which was in Ceplenița. In addition to enjoying the day with the kids, we visited some nice spots in the village, drank nice wines, and learned how to sew traditional Romanian blouses, which I enjoyed a lot.  While we were preparing our artwork for the JEMOM museum, we had a surprise birthday party for Hassancito, the grandpa of the house, and spent a nice time all together. For the personal artwork, I created a monument with a text talking about the term ‘’genocide’’, which was an excerpt from the book ''Pogromul de la Iași’’. As I r

Turing Scheme & Arts Lab 5.0: Raphaelle Kent, UK - Month 5

The second to last month of this project went very quickly, we finished our final residency, had many cultural nights and my family visited me from the UK. We also had mid term training in Bucharest for a few days, then with Violeta and Hajer we spent a few extra days exploring Bucharest and Sinaia.  It was a busy month with lots of good memories! The first of my family to visit were my mum and grandfather, I went to collect them from Iași airport, my grandfather wearing his traditional Scottish kilt. We drew a lot of attention on our way back to Târgu Frumos, lots of baffled stares and some giggles from children. When they arrived to our house we had a question time with my grandfather and it was so nice that they were welcomed by my friends in to our house.  We had a great few days showing them around the town and also hosting the UK culture night together. I was so lucky to have my mum there in real life to help me make an afternoon tea. My grandfather David wore again his tradition

Arts Lab 5.0: Olha Popova, Ukraine - Month 5

 OMG, there is a lot to tell, as I promised in the last report: 1) Mid-Term Evaluation Trip 2) First Couchsurfing experience 3) The cat is missing 4) Last-last residency 5) Bolivian and English Culture nights 6) Ukrainian Culture night (!!!) So, let's talk about things in order. Our month started with a trip to Bucharest, the capital of Romania. A wonderful, big city with lovely architecture and a slightly confusing subway system. But at first, we're here not for that but for the mid-term evaluation. Volunteers from all across Romania came there to share experiences and participate in activities. I'll be blatantly truthful; the program was mediocre. However, the stories from volunteers, on the other hand - that's a different story! We (actually just Carla) had to make a video to show our program and what we are doing here. We also had warm-ups, some treasure-hunting, etc. Most of the volunteers found that pretty boring, especially that one day when we all had to talk ab

Arts Lab 5.0: Dajana Zharassov, Germany - Month 5

Hello again! Welcome to my fifth report here in Romania. It was an exciting month and it started with us celebrating Hassan's birthday and organizing some workshops. We also finally had our exhibition for the Jewish open-air museum. As I mentioned in my last report, me and Aliye collaborated for this and we created an audiobook with the help of Cosmin, a student in the Moldova High-school. The audiobook consists of a poem and the story which tells the storyline of the pogrom in Iași. By editing sound effects into it we created an immersive audio experience. For the interactive part of the workshop for the exhibition the people needed to listen to the audiobook. While listening they could draw illustrations or write messages on a big paper on how it made them feel. After listening to the poem and the story, they could write into the book on how it made them feel. The story of the audiobook has an open ending so in the third book people could write how they imagine the story could ha