A complete month of routine, preparations and tasks. That’s one way to put it. Romania transitioned from a state of emergency to a state of ...Read More
This month in Romania was absolutely wonderful! The first week began with the training for volunteers in Romania. I met other volunteers, mu...Read More
May have been a month really full of new activities and encounters! The measures to be maintained in respect of the quarantine became softer...Read More
Asociația SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) a fost fondată în februarie 2009. Viziunea noastră este să construim comunități în care tinerii prosperă și ...Read More
On behalf of the Greek team from Patras, Aikaterini Stefanou stated that Sports Activator was accomplished with 120 students and 7 teachers....Read More
The Spanish team organized Sports Activator dissemination event with 30 participants, in the Camping Monte Holiday, located in the mountains...Read More
It was really interesting this month for me, I learned more about Eastern Europe culture, about the way of living, how they are thinking and...Read More
The second month of volunteering in Târgu Frumos has just passed, spring has finally began and the hills around the city have changed their ...Read More
April started off quite well. After the first month of quarantine, things were too stable for a while so me and my colleagues got motivated ...Read More