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Changemaker: Alessia Mitocaru - If you’re multicolored, that’s cool too!

Project Title: If you’re multicolored, that’s cool too!

Changemaker Alessia Mitocaru

Message for the world: We can change the world if we work hard enough!

1. Previous experience:

No previous experience.  

2. The Problem:

I want to teach children to accept each other, no matter their color or origin.  Because of ignorance, that is lack of knowledge, the rejection and discrimination of children is born. The problem generally starts from children's homes, where parents tell them that a certain group of people is bad. I would like to help children to get rid of this mean and wrong mentality.

3. The Solution: 

I will organize two workshops where I will explain the importance of tolerance and  acceptance, while playing different games, to attract children as much as possible. I will support the children to get in touch with other children around the world through my foreign acquaintances, in order to encourage them make new friends and to teach them how to communicate by sending letters or using technology.

4. Beneficiaries:

Two groups consisting of 10 participants, 8 to 15 years old, with little English knowledge will be reached by my activities.

5. Team:  

I will have 2-3 partners who will help me during the workshop by taking care of the children  and explaining them better the activities.

6. Objective:

My project aims to promote among 20 children the right of no discrimination by organizing a workshop that encourages tolerance no matter who they are, where they live, what language they speak, what their religion is, what they think, what they look like, if they are a boy or girl, if they have a disability, if they are rich or poor, and no matter who their parents or families are or what their parents or families believe or do.

7. Project duration:  

2 month (March - April 2021)

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