The first Arts Lab project was planned in 2018, and implemented in 2019. The impact of the project in our community motivated us to design A...Read More
What a strange time we are all passing through. I think nobody was expecting that suddenly the whole living styles we got used to for decad...Read More
We started the month traveling to Piatra Neamț, where we visited the Cucuteni museum trying to learn more about this culture. During the wo...Read More
În următoarea perioadă vom implementa la nivel județean, programul Changemakers, cu sprijinul Fundației Kids Rights din Olanda. Programul pr...Read More
It has come down to this. The final monthly report… Maybe. I am sitting here in this room that I had spent living for the last 7 months, sic...Read More
După 4 luni, în care energia noastră s-a concentrat pe implementarea proiectului Arts Lab 2.0, proiect care a beneficiat de sprijinul a 8 ti...Read More
Lista partenerilor locali cu care am colaborat în anul 2020, desfășurând activități de educație non-formală cu elevii sau beneficiarii lor: ...Read More