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Seminar: Sports Activator, 1-7 July 2019

Interested in sports? Open to share your experience and design a European sport event? Youth worker doing or willing to use sports for community development? Then apply for Sports Activator! 

Sports Activator seminar aims to build a transnational network in the field of sport in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth.

The transnational seminar Sports Activator is targeting 33 youth workers, facilitators, trainers, coaches, staff involved in sports clubs from Europe, youth passionate about sports. The main result will be the creation of a toolbox with methods, instruments, good practices aiming to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The seminar will take place in Romania, between 1-7 July 2019. 

The seminar will be based on non-formal education methodology and during the seminar, we will use the Open Space Technology (OST) method in which we will let the participants think freely and come up with ideas for new methods, instruments, good practices aiming to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth.

The seminar will consist in 7 days of activities (including travel days), with 4 sessions per day, 2 coffee breaks and 3 meals. In the first day the participants will learn about Erasmus+ Sport Programme, about the project, they will get to know each-other and feel comfortable to work together. The next days, the participants will experience, share, debrief good practices, methods, tools, instruments from sports, health maintenance, nutrition, physical fitness and activities, working in multicultural teams to define  the methods, instruments, good practices of the toolkit aiming to support the participation in sport and physical activity of youth. The last day of the seminar will be to evaluate the experience and work the follow-up activities.

The facilitators will specifically make use of individual reflections, group exercises, workshops, participant-led presentations and input sessions, plenary debates, and team-building exercises as well as more complex simulations and role plays and theatre-art techniques to foster creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and emotional involvement of the participants in the learning process.

To apply, please fill in the form until 11 June 2019: https://forms.gle/MNCZkQxzHKDKWhPU8. For questions or suggestions, please contact us to office@supertineri.org.

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