EVS la castel, în Slovenia
Stagiul de voluntariat va dura 7 luni şi se va desfăşura în perioada 20 noiembrie 2017 - 20 iunie 2018. Toate costurile sunt acoperite de organizaţia gazdă prin programul european: mese, cazare, transport (în limita a 275 euro), bani de buzunar (85 euro/lună). Cazarea se va face într-una din camerele castelului, care deţine un hotel.
Proiectul are ca temă centrală natura şi protecţia mediului, însă organizaţia oferă numeroase oportunităţi de dezvoltare personală şi profesională, implementând numeroase proiecte de educaţie, turism, cultură şi incluziune socială. Printre activităţile pe care le va desfăşura voluntarul, menţionăm: mese rotunde, seri tematice, discuții cu ONG-uri locale, un concurs de fotografie și o expoziție, ateliere de lucru, participarea la conferința științifică internațională intitulată "Ecology better tomorrow", organizarea unei campanii de protecţie a mediului, realizarea de materiale despre conac, parc şi centrul ecvestru.
Organizaţia gazdă, RIS Dvorec Rakican, este o instituţie publică, care administrează castelul Rakican, o clădire de patrimoniu cultural, ce include un hotel de 3 stele, o cafenea, un centru de echitaţie şi un parc dendrologic. RIS găzduieşte conferinţe ştiinţifice, o filială a Universităţii din Maribor şi diverse asociaţii studenţeşti.
Regiunea Pomurje, unde este situat castelul, este faimoasă pentru centrele SPA şi bogăţia culinară, iar cel mai apropiat oraş, Murska Sobota, oferă o varietate de opţiuni de petrecere a timpului liber.
Mai jos, puteţi consulta rezumatul proiectului. Pentru a aplica, vă rugăm să ne trimiteţi un CV şi o scrisoare de intenţie pe adresa: voluntarasirys@gmail.com sau pe www.facebook.com/ASIRYS. Deadline:
Environmental protection and conservation represents one of the main priorities of the European Union. An important dimension of environmental conservation and protection is raising awareness and social responsibility especially among young people. Although the European Union has one of the strictest environmental standards in the world, activities relating to education and awareness of environmental protection and preservation found in formal as well as in informal learning processes have derogated from those standards. Even media campaigns in this field are not sufficiently targeting individual local environments and are therefore less efficient. To achieve a greater awareness, efforts must be made to raise the perception of values among young people and one of these fundamental values represents nature.
The project’s goal is to raise awareness and social responsibility regarding environmental protection and conservation of local environment and consequently the EU through the usage of informal learning tools and methods. Moreover, we wish to encourage young people to think about the ways their behaviour and their level of responsibility influences or even improves the relation to nature, thus in some way protecting it. The other aspect of the project relates to the two volunteers (aged from 18 to 30 years) who are interested in the field of environmental protection and conservation. Here the goal is to enable active participation in the project implementation as well as all planned activities that will be applied during the project. Through active participation the volunteers will acquire new knowledge and practical experience as well as develop skills related to the area covered by the project, which will significantly contribute to their personal growth, social involvement, higher adaptability, and development of innovative thinking. All this newly gained skills will ultimately represent an advantage in the labour market and will further their employability opportunities.
Within the project’s framework we plan to implement the following activities that will follow the objectives set by the project, thus prompting young people as well as others who are interested by this topic to assume the role of active citizens: a round table, thematic evenings, local discussion with NGOs, a photo competition and exhibition, workshops, participation at the international scientific conference titled "Ecology better tomorrow ", organisation of a campaign titled " Plant a tree – grow a life”. The campaign will involve the local public, thus everyone who is interested in this topic will donate and plant a tree (in accordance with their capabilities).
For the two volunteers living and working abroad represents an invaluable experience. Project’s main goals are: the promotion of active (European) citizenship of young people, furthering new knowledge, skills, and competencies, promote intercultural awareness, mobility, and social participation among young people as well as between organizations and dissemination of good practices throughout the EU. In the long term, we wish to create relevant content and conditions that will enable the strengthening the international dimension of youth activities, promotion of youth work and raising its quality as well as strengthening the cooperation between partnering countries.
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