EVS în Lituania: „Be Radio-Active“
Un club de radio, din cel mai bun liceu din Siauliai, Lituania, caută un voluntar care să efectueze un stagiu EVS pe o perioadă de 11 luni, începând cu 1 octombrie 2016 până la data de 1 august 2017. Mai multe detalii despre proiect, mai jos. Dacă sunteţi interesat/ă, vă rugăm să ne scrieţi pe www.facebook.com/ASIRYS.
• Project „Be Radio-Active“
Your main activity is going to be the work in the radio station, about 60% of the time, and its purpo-se is to provide a platform for you to learn about the specifics of working in a radio, realize your cre-ativity and ideas, possibilities to initiate projects within Radio club. Your main tasks will be prepara-tion of radio shows, the topics cover EU citizenship, EU awareness and democracy, youth work, youth policies, youth interests and youth problems. At the beginning your task is to find a topic, then write a script, record, edit and put on the radio. You will also be included in the rest of the journalis-tic work of the schools: taking photos, working with and sharing them, writing articles for the school newspapers, the development of the year book. Outside of the radio club you can attend school e-vents, after-school activities and support school stuff. All depending on your interests and abilities.
• Radio club
The radio station was established in 2003. Since then students and since 2007 volunteers create ra-dio programs. The radio club had over 40 volunteers from 13 different countries for different dura-tions. Head of the radio is Rasa. She will be your tutor and inform you about upcoming tasks and help you with everything. Also in the radio club there is Sonata. She is going to be your mentor, which means she will offer her help and advice for any problems, or project, flat, health or personal issues. Sonata is coordinating your project and other non-formal activities. If you have any questions about the conditions of your EVS, pocket or travelling money, holidays, personal project, ... She knows the answers!
• Didzdvario Gimnazija
Didzdvario Gimnazija one of the best high schools in Siauliai. Their stu-dents are very motivated and active. The school has a national program-me and an International Baccalaure-ate (IB) program. The IB program requires the students to do CAS (creative, active, social things). So they take volunteering activities where you can volunteer together with them. Also if you need help for your own projects they will be happy to help! In the school you will find many different clubs, projects and
non-formal education programs. Do not hesitate to speak with students and teachers if you want to
• Volunteering hours
Your day at „work“ starts on 10 am and lasts until 5 pm. You have a lunch break which can be as long as your lunch takes. I suggest you to go to the school cafeteria (it‘s cheap and fast), to other places with daily menu (like Pegasas) or bring your own lunchbox. Once a week you should have a meeting with Rasa and Sonata and just talk about how you are doing, what you are going to do this week, are there any problems, about taking holidays or asking for advice and so on.
• Weekend and holidays
Due to EVS regulation you have 2 consecutive free days (also called weekend). For you it‘s Saturday and Sunday. Don‘t forget to check also the holidays in Lithuania! (Special days li-ke: 16.02, 11.03, 24.06, 06.07) Each month you earn two free days. In your time that means 22 days. You can arrange them as you want during the 11 months, if you are not needed in school in the concerning time. Just ask Sonata and Ra-sa early enough to avoid any problems!
• Arrival
Siauliai is situated in the north of Lithuania and closer to Latvia‘s capital Riga than to Vilnius in Lithuania. So that‘s why you will have to take a bus from Riga to Siauliai. It will be a minibus from the company Ollex. In Riga Airport you need to go to the international bus stop, which is located in front of the airport. Basically you just need to go outside on the ground level, cross the first (taxi) lane and there you are.
• Flat
You are going to share your flat with two more people, as you know. It is really important to have good relations with your flatmates and you may become the good friends. Our tip is to decide the duties of cleaning, washing and stuff like that from the very beginning and after everything will be fine. We don’t know which flat you will have so we can’t tell you the secrets of ours. But if it will be the same, just write us if you need help!
• Language course
As every volunteer in Lithuania you will also have Lithuanian language course. At first it seems very difficult, well honestly it is not an easy language, but if you are really interested in it or in languages in general and you have the willing, you will learn it for sure. At least you should know the basic stuff or just some sentences for presenting yourself. It makes happy also local people when they hear a foreigner speaking in their language. You may need it at shops or in the stations. Rasa will give you the lessons, they will start as soon as possible! Additionally you can ask students for help and they will teach and practice with you. Don‘t forget to study!
• Siauliai
Siauliai is the 4th biggest city in Lithuania after Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda. It is small but it doesn‘t mean boring. You can find many activities for your free time.
A few examples:
If you play the piano, you may find one in the university library on the 3rd floor which is free.
On Mondays at 17:00 you can attend the American corner of the city library. The ones who want to improve their English or just to watch a movie with tea or to meet locals and some foreigners are always welcome there.
In the Jaunimo youth center you may watch a movie on every Wednesday at 19:30. You can find some other activites also in this center: French or Russian lesson courses, other events.
There is a free sports association called „Sportas visiems“ which offers you free sports activities (mostly on Sundays at 11:00) but also possibilities to volunteer and get in contact with local co-mmunity. Contact: +37063317539 Vilius Kliminskas
Siauliai has a very nice lake where you can go to walk or just hang out. There you can find a cafe, a fox statue, a place for waterskiing and rent little boats. Oh, and there‘s a „beach“. Also every Wednesday at 18:00 there is Petanke (Petanque, Boccia, Boul or howere you call it) playing where you can just join and meet nice people!
As there are many Erasmus students in Siauliai there is an ESN organisation in whose events you can take part. Contact: +37069531087 Aiguste Andrasiute (ESN President)
Check out the cafes (Sokoladine, Presto, CinCin) and bars (Rock‘n‘Roll, Degaline, ZapZap, Blic Bar,...)!
Don’t forget the countless museums. They’re about chocolate, bicycles, fotography,...
However, for living here we want to give you some information:
In Siauliai there are five bigger malls but you only need to know two or three. Saules Miestas is right in the city centre and has some restaurants, shops, free concerts and the supermarket RIMI (open 8-23). Akropolis is in the south so you need to take a bus, but it‘s worth as there is a cinema, an ice rink, many shops (TIGER!), restaurants and cafes. There is also Tilze shopping centre in the north of the city, it has a cinema and an armenian restaurant.
Groceries: There are many different grocery stores in Siauliai. Depends where you live you will find the right one. If you want to find good (also organic) products you better look in RIMI, already pre-pared salads and sandwiches same as many offers you find in IKI and Maxima has cheap prizes and a big variety in everything. Small shops like Aibe are mostly useful for buying milk, bread and basic things.
Bus: Siauliai has a confusing bus system. On the map at the stops you cannot see stops so you need to check before here: http://busturas.lt/lt/miesto and http://www.trafi.lt/ . You can purchase an electronic card where you can add rides (50 cent/ride) or buy your ticket at the bus driver (70 cent/ ride). Luckily, most distances in Siauliai you can still walk.
For travelling in Lithuania have a look here https://www.autobusubilietai.lt/ and https:// www.traukiniobilietas.lt/portal/. Train is usually a bit cheaper than bus, but check the buses for offers (express buses to Vilnius) and places the train doesn’t go to.
• Trainings
Before leaving your country you are supposed to have a pre-depurture training. You will be told about your project, about EVS in general who can help in the case of some problems, about your rights and insurance. But also during EVS you are going to have two trainings. On-arrival training usually takes place in the first month after your arriving and the midterm one in the middle of your project. During the trainings you have a chance to get deeper information about EVS, youthpass, to meet other volunteers which is also VERY important and also to explore Lithua-nian nature because these trainings usually take place in the countryside.
• What? There is more information which we forgot? Take notes!
• Project „Be Radio-Active“
Your main activity is going to be the work in the radio station, about 60% of the time, and its purpo-se is to provide a platform for you to learn about the specifics of working in a radio, realize your cre-ativity and ideas, possibilities to initiate projects within Radio club. Your main tasks will be prepara-tion of radio shows, the topics cover EU citizenship, EU awareness and democracy, youth work, youth policies, youth interests and youth problems. At the beginning your task is to find a topic, then write a script, record, edit and put on the radio. You will also be included in the rest of the journalis-tic work of the schools: taking photos, working with and sharing them, writing articles for the school newspapers, the development of the year book. Outside of the radio club you can attend school e-vents, after-school activities and support school stuff. All depending on your interests and abilities.
• Radio club
The radio station was established in 2003. Since then students and since 2007 volunteers create ra-dio programs. The radio club had over 40 volunteers from 13 different countries for different dura-tions. Head of the radio is Rasa. She will be your tutor and inform you about upcoming tasks and help you with everything. Also in the radio club there is Sonata. She is going to be your mentor, which means she will offer her help and advice for any problems, or project, flat, health or personal issues. Sonata is coordinating your project and other non-formal activities. If you have any questions about the conditions of your EVS, pocket or travelling money, holidays, personal project, ... She knows the answers!
• Didzdvario Gimnazija

non-formal education programs. Do not hesitate to speak with students and teachers if you want to
• Volunteering hours
Your day at „work“ starts on 10 am and lasts until 5 pm. You have a lunch break which can be as long as your lunch takes. I suggest you to go to the school cafeteria (it‘s cheap and fast), to other places with daily menu (like Pegasas) or bring your own lunchbox. Once a week you should have a meeting with Rasa and Sonata and just talk about how you are doing, what you are going to do this week, are there any problems, about taking holidays or asking for advice and so on.
• Weekend and holidays
Due to EVS regulation you have 2 consecutive free days (also called weekend). For you it‘s Saturday and Sunday. Don‘t forget to check also the holidays in Lithuania! (Special days li-ke: 16.02, 11.03, 24.06, 06.07) Each month you earn two free days. In your time that means 22 days. You can arrange them as you want during the 11 months, if you are not needed in school in the concerning time. Just ask Sonata and Ra-sa early enough to avoid any problems!
• Arrival
Siauliai is situated in the north of Lithuania and closer to Latvia‘s capital Riga than to Vilnius in Lithuania. So that‘s why you will have to take a bus from Riga to Siauliai. It will be a minibus from the company Ollex. In Riga Airport you need to go to the international bus stop, which is located in front of the airport. Basically you just need to go outside on the ground level, cross the first (taxi) lane and there you are.
• Flat
You are going to share your flat with two more people, as you know. It is really important to have good relations with your flatmates and you may become the good friends. Our tip is to decide the duties of cleaning, washing and stuff like that from the very beginning and after everything will be fine. We don’t know which flat you will have so we can’t tell you the secrets of ours. But if it will be the same, just write us if you need help!
• Language course
As every volunteer in Lithuania you will also have Lithuanian language course. At first it seems very difficult, well honestly it is not an easy language, but if you are really interested in it or in languages in general and you have the willing, you will learn it for sure. At least you should know the basic stuff or just some sentences for presenting yourself. It makes happy also local people when they hear a foreigner speaking in their language. You may need it at shops or in the stations. Rasa will give you the lessons, they will start as soon as possible! Additionally you can ask students for help and they will teach and practice with you. Don‘t forget to study!
• Siauliai
Siauliai is the 4th biggest city in Lithuania after Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda. It is small but it doesn‘t mean boring. You can find many activities for your free time.
A few examples:
If you play the piano, you may find one in the university library on the 3rd floor which is free.
On Mondays at 17:00 you can attend the American corner of the city library. The ones who want to improve their English or just to watch a movie with tea or to meet locals and some foreigners are always welcome there.
In the Jaunimo youth center you may watch a movie on every Wednesday at 19:30. You can find some other activites also in this center: French or Russian lesson courses, other events.
There is a free sports association called „Sportas visiems“ which offers you free sports activities (mostly on Sundays at 11:00) but also possibilities to volunteer and get in contact with local co-mmunity. Contact: +37063317539 Vilius Kliminskas
Siauliai has a very nice lake where you can go to walk or just hang out. There you can find a cafe, a fox statue, a place for waterskiing and rent little boats. Oh, and there‘s a „beach“. Also every Wednesday at 18:00 there is Petanke (Petanque, Boccia, Boul or howere you call it) playing where you can just join and meet nice people!
As there are many Erasmus students in Siauliai there is an ESN organisation in whose events you can take part. Contact: +37069531087 Aiguste Andrasiute (ESN President)
Check out the cafes (Sokoladine, Presto, CinCin) and bars (Rock‘n‘Roll, Degaline, ZapZap, Blic Bar,...)!
Don’t forget the countless museums. They’re about chocolate, bicycles, fotography,...
However, for living here we want to give you some information:
In Siauliai there are five bigger malls but you only need to know two or three. Saules Miestas is right in the city centre and has some restaurants, shops, free concerts and the supermarket RIMI (open 8-23). Akropolis is in the south so you need to take a bus, but it‘s worth as there is a cinema, an ice rink, many shops (TIGER!), restaurants and cafes. There is also Tilze shopping centre in the north of the city, it has a cinema and an armenian restaurant.
Groceries: There are many different grocery stores in Siauliai. Depends where you live you will find the right one. If you want to find good (also organic) products you better look in RIMI, already pre-pared salads and sandwiches same as many offers you find in IKI and Maxima has cheap prizes and a big variety in everything. Small shops like Aibe are mostly useful for buying milk, bread and basic things.
Bus: Siauliai has a confusing bus system. On the map at the stops you cannot see stops so you need to check before here: http://busturas.lt/lt/miesto and http://www.trafi.lt/ . You can purchase an electronic card where you can add rides (50 cent/ride) or buy your ticket at the bus driver (70 cent/ ride). Luckily, most distances in Siauliai you can still walk.
For travelling in Lithuania have a look here https://www.autobusubilietai.lt/ and https:// www.traukiniobilietas.lt/portal/. Train is usually a bit cheaper than bus, but check the buses for offers (express buses to Vilnius) and places the train doesn’t go to.
• Trainings
Before leaving your country you are supposed to have a pre-depurture training. You will be told about your project, about EVS in general who can help in the case of some problems, about your rights and insurance. But also during EVS you are going to have two trainings. On-arrival training usually takes place in the first month after your arriving and the midterm one in the middle of your project. During the trainings you have a chance to get deeper information about EVS, youthpass, to meet other volunteers which is also VERY important and also to explore Lithua-nian nature because these trainings usually take place in the countryside.
• What? There is more information which we forgot? Take notes!
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