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Explaining Europe: Training în Polonia!

Selectăm 3 persoane, cu vârsta 18 +, pentru a participa la un training în Polonia. Cazarea, masa și materialele de training sunt acoperite de organizatori, iar transportul este decontat în limita a 275 euro. Cei care doresc să participe, trebuie să realizeze un eveniment pe o temă la alegere, în cadrul Centrului de Voluntariat Tîrgu Frumos. Evenimentul poate fi de orice tip (seminar, concurs, atelier, prezentare etc.), important e să fie implementat înainte de a pleca în Polonia.

Dacă doreşti să participi în acest proiect şi ai o idee clară de eveniment, te rugăm să completezi acest chestionar: http://goo.gl/forms/8rsVic48AC şi te vom contacta pentru a realiza activitatea. Dacă eşti din alt oraş, te aşteptăm cu drag la Tîrgu Frumos ori planifică-ți evenimentul astfel încât să-l poți realiza online. 

Mai jos puteţi găsiţi câteva informaţii despre proiect. Dacă aveţi întrebări, le aşteptăm pe www.facebook.com/ASIRYS și voluntarasirys@gmail.com. Îți vom trimite și formularul de aplicație, solicitat de organizatori.

Project "Explaining Europe" is a Training Course hosted in Krzyżowa, in Lower Silesia region of Poland. Activity will be hosted between 4th and 11th of September 2015.
The course is designed for youth workers, leaders and trainers working in local communities in Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Romania, Malta, Lithuania, Bulgaria, FYROM and Italy.

Topics of the project will be EU awareness, active citizenship and youth social and political activeness.

The project’s objectives are:
• to educate youth workers, young leaders and trainers about EU citizenship, EU awareness, active participation, structure and decision-making process in the EU;
• to empower involved organizations to develop and implement projects aiming to foster EU awareness among youngsters;
• to build knowledge about youth polices, their role in planning and implementation of policies, and democratic and European values;
• to exchange good practice and enhance international cooperation of youth organizations and youth workers;
• to provide new innovative approaches of promotion of EU awareness among young people in Europe, using non-formal education and ICT, and implement them by follow up activities and project ideas within Erasmus+ Programme.

Participants profile:
Young people involed in non-governmental or civil organisations;

Youth workers, youth leaders and youth trainers;
Aged over 18 years old.

The project will be held in a beautiful youth centre in Krzyzowa (krzyzowa.org.pl/index.php/en), located around 60 kilometers from Wroclaw. Transport from Wroclaw to Krzyzowa and back will be organised by the host.

Travel Cost
Please do not buy your tickets before you get approval by the organizer!
The organisers will reimburse your travel costs from your home city to Krzyzowa, Poland.
Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice and up to the level set by the EC based on the distance calculator between seat of your
organisation and Krzyżowa.
Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon full attendance and presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and receipts/invoices.
As a rule the cheapest travel option should be chosen.

What you need for reimbursement?
1) Return tickets (e.g. from London to Wroclaw and back)
2) Photocopies / PDFs of all of your tickets and boarding passes, especially if you fly with low-cost airlines, including the invoice (if you have one). If you’ve booked online, we need the FULL confirmation email of your booking, printed with the date and time the email was sent to you, containing e-mail subject and all e-mail addresses!!!

Health Insurance
Please make sure that coming to the project you have a valid health insurance!
Pleasemake sure that your health insurance makes it eligible to have a medical treatment abroad. This is absolute must if you want to join the project.
You can obtain European Health Insurance (EU) or buy travel insurance covering potential medical needs.

What to bring?
1. Information materials about your organisation, photos or report from your former projects and other things, which will help you to present your organisation.
2. Some nationals drinks, snacks, brochures, music, posters, traditonal garments and any other suitable materials for the intercultural evening

SHUTTLE BUS Wrocław – Krzyżowa - Wrocław
TDM2000 Polska will organise transfer on route Wrocław – Krzyżowa - Wrocław.
Cost of the transfer (around 15-20 EUR) will be included in your reimbursement forms and deducted from the total reimbursement you will receive at the end of the project. Since we want to organise the shuttle bus that will bring us together to the project's venue, please try to look for travel options which allow you to be in Wroclaw latest at 16.00 on September 4th. Return - try to go back home from Wroclaw not sooner than 12-13 on Sept. 11th.
Tickets for travel outside the official travel dates purchased without approval will not be reimbursed.

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