Personal Upgrade: schimb de tineri în Olanda
Selectăm 6 tineri, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 16 şi 25 de ani, pentru a participa la un schimb de tineri în Olanda. Cei care doresc să participe, trebuie să realizeze un eveniment dedicat tinerilor cu oportunităţi reduse, în cadrul Centrului de Voluntariat Tîrgu Frumos. Evenimentul poate fi pe orice temă, important e să aibă ca grup ţintă: minorităţi, persoane cu dizabilităţi, tineri din mediul rural sau şomeri. Evenimentul trebuie implementat în perioada 18-25 iunie.
Dacă doreşti să participi în acest proiect şi ai o idee clară de eveniment, te rugăm să completezi acest chestionar: şi te vom contacta pentru a realiza activitatea. Dacă eşti din alt oraş, te aşteptăm cu drag la Tîrgu Frumos. Promitem să fim gazde bune!
Mai jos puteţi găsiţi câteva informaţii despre proiect. Menţionăm că vor fi organizate două excursii în oraşele Delft şi Amsterdam. Dacă aveţi întrebări, le aşteptăm pe
Project: Personal Upgrade 3 July – 12 July in the Netherlands
Context - background
The theme of our project is to develop yourself by doing something good for someone else. There are several topics: the disabled, minorities and social dialogue. There is a big difference in the care and welfare in the various European lands. Our first youth exchange showed that the differences within Europe are great in the field of taking care for minorities in a country. (theme of the exchange was anti - discrimination). Basis on this information, we have devised this into a project, so that young people can develop by doing voluntary work in the Netherlands itself.
Objectives of the project
- Young people learn in ten days of each other's culture through activities and to enter into dialogue with each other. - Young people learn to know themselves better in ten days, to learn from each other and gain new insights into helping other people. - Young people learn in ten days to do volentary work for minorities (how you can help other people) - Young people learn in ten days skills to discover their talents and develop.
Number and profile of participants
The participants will be in the age of 16-25 years (which is the focus). Six youngsters and one group leader from four countries will participate. The group will consist out of boys and girls (the same amount) and the diversity within the group will be large. We want different young people from different backgrounds involved in the project. Thinking of (potential) drop outs, youth who have had nothing to do with volunteer work, young people who are active as volunteers, etc. It is also important that young people can make themselves understood in English and can understand English.
- Young people know more about each other's culture, mutual contacts and new friendships are formed. - Young people have come to know themselves better and have learned to reflect themselves. They also have felt what it is like to volunteer. - Young people have discovered some of their talents which they can use in the future . - Young people have learned to be open to other cultures, visions and possibilities and come out stronger.
Potential longer -term benefits :
- Young people are committed more in the minority in their own country. - Young people learn how to prepare and carry out an activity, which they can use for activities they wish to carry out in their own country. - Young people learn to reflect themselves and may have benefit as they are (starting) professional.
Dacă doreşti să participi în acest proiect şi ai o idee clară de eveniment, te rugăm să completezi acest chestionar: şi te vom contacta pentru a realiza activitatea. Dacă eşti din alt oraş, te aşteptăm cu drag la Tîrgu Frumos. Promitem să fim gazde bune!
Mai jos puteţi găsiţi câteva informaţii despre proiect. Menţionăm că vor fi organizate două excursii în oraşele Delft şi Amsterdam. Dacă aveţi întrebări, le aşteptăm pe
Project: Personal Upgrade 3 July – 12 July in the Netherlands
Context - background
The theme of our project is to develop yourself by doing something good for someone else. There are several topics: the disabled, minorities and social dialogue. There is a big difference in the care and welfare in the various European lands. Our first youth exchange showed that the differences within Europe are great in the field of taking care for minorities in a country. (theme of the exchange was anti - discrimination). Basis on this information, we have devised this into a project, so that young people can develop by doing voluntary work in the Netherlands itself.
Objectives of the project
- Young people learn in ten days of each other's culture through activities and to enter into dialogue with each other. - Young people learn to know themselves better in ten days, to learn from each other and gain new insights into helping other people. - Young people learn in ten days to do volentary work for minorities (how you can help other people) - Young people learn in ten days skills to discover their talents and develop.
Number and profile of participants
The participants will be in the age of 16-25 years (which is the focus). Six youngsters and one group leader from four countries will participate. The group will consist out of boys and girls (the same amount) and the diversity within the group will be large. We want different young people from different backgrounds involved in the project. Thinking of (potential) drop outs, youth who have had nothing to do with volunteer work, young people who are active as volunteers, etc. It is also important that young people can make themselves understood in English and can understand English.
- Young people know more about each other's culture, mutual contacts and new friendships are formed. - Young people have come to know themselves better and have learned to reflect themselves. They also have felt what it is like to volunteer. - Young people have discovered some of their talents which they can use in the future . - Young people have learned to be open to other cultures, visions and possibilities and come out stronger.
Potential longer -term benefits :
- Young people are committed more in the minority in their own country. - Young people learn how to prepare and carry out an activity, which they can use for activities they wish to carry out in their own country. - Young people learn to reflect themselves and may have benefit as they are (starting) professional.
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