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Call for writers: European Dignities - Spring Edition 2015

The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal provides to young people from all over Europe, a way to communicate and express, to demonstrate and discuss about what is happening around them. Therefore, European Dignities is the Voice of Europe's Youth! The first 4 issues had a great success and it can be read here:
1. www.issuu.com/supertineri/docs/europeandignities_spring2014
2. www.issuu.com/supertineri/docs/europeandignities_summer2014
3. www.issuu.com/supertineri/docs/europeandignities_autumn2014

4. www.issuu.com/supertineri/docs/europeandignities_winter2014 

The journal has accreditation and it is registered as: ISSN 2360 – 6355.

If you want to have a contribution, please send it to us at european.dignities@gmail.com. Bellow you can check the thematic, sections and general rules for the magazine.

At the beginning of 2015 our NGO, “Super Youth” ASIRYS will celebrate 6 years of activity. So we decided to put together in the fifth issue of our journal all the important projects and their results, all the people we interact or we meet during international projects, all the experiences from all over Europe.
If you had any connection with “Super Youth” ASIRYS or you intend to have, then we will appreciate if you write something about us and our activity. Send pictures, stories, present good friends or people that you met. Celebrate together with us 6 years of “Super Youth”.

So for spring 2015 the topic is
6 years of “Super Youth”!

Every single article, photo, interview or photo-report shared with young people around the world can be a source of information and also, a source of inspiration for them as humans who are interested to educate themselves.

This things being said, we are impatiently waiting for your work (lines, articles, photos, drawings, photo-reports, reports etc.) to european.dignities@gmail.com until 25 January 2015. Before sending us your work, we kindly recommend you to read the general rules available HERE.

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