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Training about EVS in Armenia

Căutăm 1 participant pentru a ne reprezenta la trainingul "EVS - Planning is Caring", proiect care se va desfăşura în Dilijan, Armenia în perioada 22 - 29 iunie 2014. Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteţi găsi mai jos.

Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:

     * să ne trimiteţi o prezentare personală împreună cu o fotografie
     * să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
     * să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.

Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este voluntarasirys@gmail.com.

Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:

- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol: www.asirys.blogspot.ro/2013/07/ghidul-voluntarului-care-participa.html
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Armenia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.  

General Idea:

Acknowledging the fact that there is growing interest in European Voluntary Service (EVS) projects by youth and organization in Programme and Eastern European and Caucasian (EECA) countries, we have decided to organize a training course for organisations newly involved as well as for beginners in EVS “EVS-Planning is Caring”.

We have chosen to put the main focus of our training on planning of EVS, because we believe that if new organizations and volunteers are about to get involved in EVS are well prepared and aware about the various aspects related to EVS and possible challenges, most of the risks and problems during implementation of projects can be avoided. Therefore, in this training we will discuss how to prepare not only a project which looks good on the paper, but also how to assure good practical preparation of the various actors/players involved in EVS (volunteer, HO, SO, CO, the local community, etc.).

Training programme would be designed in such a way that would enable the participants to gain the maximum of the training regardless of their little experience in EVS. It would include interactive non-formal learning methods (workshops, presentations, consultations with experts, discussions in groups, role-play games, getting to know with good practice by meeting with volunteers and watching films, competitions, organizational fairs, informal integration, etc.).

The Training Course will be organized from June 22-29, 2014.

Participants and profiles:
From each partner organization 2 participants – youth workers or /and Project leaders with age over 18.
Partners need to send participants who are interested to do an EVS or to be involved in different activities within EVS.

2 trainers from Armenia
2 Support staff

List of the countries and maximum travel costs:
Financial Condition/ Travel Cost:

The Training Course will be implemented in the frame of the EU Youth in Action Program, Action 3.1. Accommodation, food, visa fees and materials will be covered fully by the organizers. Travel expenses will be reimbursed at 70% of the real cost.
Insurance is obligatory and should be arranged and covered by each participant.
The organizers will reimburse 70% of participants' travel costs (with cheapest mean of transportation) in return of original tickets.

All participants will receive the reimbursement on spot in Armenia.

Please note that you should bring with you sufficient and adequate proof/ evidence of your travel costs – you should have the originals of invoices, tickets, printed out e-tickets, boarding passes, etc. On all the documents a price should be clearly visible; otherwise we will be unable to reimburse the costs. Please, take care to have the tickets for your travel back home, in order to get reimbursement for those costs also (e.g. train ticket from the airport to city center, etc).

NB!!! Please note that participant’s travel costs should not exceed the travel budget limits which were approved by EACEA and the travel route should also be in accordance. Find the travel limits above!

If you have problems to stay within the indicated travel limits please contact the organizers.

Please have in mind that the transport from Yerevan to Dilijan will be organized by the organizers and that you have to cover 30% of these costs. The amount will be deducted from your reimbursement.

Travel Dates:

Arrival: June 22, 2014 in Yerevan/ Dilijan, Armenia
Departure: June 29, 2014 from Yerevan/ Dilijan, Armenia

Transport Details:

Most of you will arrive at Zvartnots International Airport. For more information about the airport, please visit http://www.zvartnots.aero/.
While arriving, please look for someone from our staff with the TC name.

! Please note that we will not arrange transportation from/ to airport for participants arriving earlier than June 22 and departing later than June 29.

None of the participants need any Visa to enter Armenia.

The Training Course will be hosted at one of the most beautiful Resort towns of Armenia. Dghyak Pansion Dilijan Hotel is ready to host our project and provide comfortable rooms and facilities to us.

Accommodation and Food:

You will stay in double/triple rooms with bathroom and toilet in the room. You will be provided with bed sheets and towels. There are hair dryers in the rooms. The training room and dining room are located in the same building. Organizers will provide participants with three meals per day, coffee breaks and purified water. Please, keep in mind, that the provided food may differ from the food you are used to have in your country, and, even in case of providing food for special groups, e.g. vegetarians, it may not fully meet your expectations. We strongly recommend participants to inform the organizers IN ADVANCE about any special needs.

Checklist – what you need to bring with you:

o Proof of all the travel expenses you wish to reclaim: No payment will be made without a proof of your expenses! If you come by plane, please be sure to bring evidence of the sum actually paid (invoice, copy of credit card slip), a copy of the ticket and your boarding passes, or in the case of an email booking, a print out of the reservation confirmation and financial transaction. DO KEEP ALL FLIGHT/TRAIN/BUS TICKETS, BOARDING CARDS, INVOICES ETC WITH YOU AND DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY!!!

o Other Expenses: All other expenses during the activity, such as board, lodging and transportation, will be borne by the organizers. However, all participants’ personal costs (like telephone calls, gifts and souvenirs, etc.) and/or any other cost not linked to programe’s events have to be covered by the participants and will be settled directly by them.

o “Standard seminar equipment”: An alarm clock, any dictionaries you might require, music CDs and tapes, instruments that you may need, comfortable clothes, warm clothes to be worn both inside and outside etc.

o Please bring all necessary identity documents (social and medical insurance, I.D. etc.) in the case of need.

o Any materials you need to present you country (food, drinks, music, post cards) during the intercultural evening, specific working methods or tools, and your organization.

Local Money:
The Armenian Currency is called ARMENIAN DRAM. In the shops US dollars and Euros are not taken. There are many places in Dilijan where you may exchange money (from Euros and US dollars). We recommend using cash instead of credit or debit cards as fees usually have to be paid when withdrawing money in Armenia.

Internet Access:
There is WiFi Internet coverage at the lobby of the hotel.

Armenian Mobile Phones:
There are three mobile operators in Armenia: Beeline, VivaCell-MTS and Orange. In case you
need an Armenian Mobile/Sim card, you may simply buy at while being in Dilijan.

Project will be implemented by Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan NGO (Armenia) – main coordinator – responsible for application, organization, administration and logistics of the Training Course.

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