START-UP for Young Social Entrepreneurs, Turcia

Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:
- să ne trimiteţi o prezentare personală împreună cu o fotografie,
- să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
- să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.
Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este Termen limită:
Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:
- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol:
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,
- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Turcia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus.
Startup for Young Social Entrepreneurs
There are many youngsters out there who have great ideas, but don’t know how to start, where to begin, what is the first step. The aim of ‘Startup for Young Social Entrepreneurs’ Project is to help find solutions for young entrepreneurs to implement their ideas in different areas such as business, management or trade. Discussions, workshops and presentations will be focused on topics such as how to obtain investment, what are the best entrepreneurial ideas, legal issues in starting up a business, the role of e-commercial sites or the general situation of young entrepreneurs today. Moreover, some of the debates will concentrate on particular successful examples of doing business by making use of IT resources.
In the project we will do education seminars with those skilled,visit the governmental place,workshop,funny activities,city tour and a lot of surprise…Also during the project we will organize intercultural nights where all the partner groups will present their country, their culture, traditional foods, drinks, music and dances.
PARTNERS: Turke, Lithuania, Holland, Poland, Croatia, Romania
- 6 Participants from each countries (1 leader and 5 participants from each country).
- Presentations of your country and your organization
- Traditional foods and drinks for cultural night. (Please consider you will not have a chance to cook something.)
- between 18 - 25 years old. (no age limit for leader)
- capable of speaking, writing and understanding English at least at the medium level
- interested in the activities’ topics
- active volunteer/ youth leader/ youth worker/ staff member of the sending body
- capable and willing to develop further projects
The participants will be hosted in the 3* hotel of Mugla University.
- there is no participation fee
- accommodation, local transportation and other activity costs are covered by the hosting organization only during the project’s dates (15-22 March 2014 )
- if participants wish to come earlier or leave later they will have to take into consideration finding an accommodation on their own
- there will be reimbursed 70% of the total travel costs, and 100% of the visa costs (where needed)
- the reimbursement will be done upon full attendance in the activity programme
- 70% of the travel costs will be paid after the tickets and the boarding passes are submitted.
- in order to receive the reimbursement, the original tickets, boarding passes, bills, invoices, etc are needed (please don’t forget original tickets, original boarding passes, original part 3)
- we do not pay in advance for returning ticket – try to plan your travel both ways
- reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your invoices
- there is no preparation cost
- the health insurance is fully the participant’s responsibility
- the costs of the health insurance will not be covered
- If you want to include the Health Insurance in your airplane tickets you have to cover it yourselves.
*BODRUM AIRPORT (First Option)
-We will come for pick you up from Bodrum Airport
- You can come from Antalya Airport.And then you will come from Antalya to Muğla by bus.From Antalya to Muğla: 5 hours
- This is Bus Company: ( )
İZMİR AİRPORT (Third Option)
- You can come from İzmir Airport.And then you will come from İzmir to Muğla by bus.From İzmir to Muğla: 3 hours
- This is Bus Company: ( )
PS: Probably, you will come indirect from İstanbul to Bodrum/Antalya/İzmir and there are two high quality fly company:
1).TURKISH AIRLINES: You can use this company because this is the best company in Turkey and 3. Company in the World.This company flying from İstanbul to All the Europe and from Europe to İstanbul.
2). PEGASUS AIRLINES: You can use this company because this company so quality.This company flying from İstanbul to Almost all Europe and from almost all Europa to İstanbul.
Lithuania: 360 euro (one person)(%100) (We will give you %70)
Holland: 400 euro (one person)(%100) (We will give you %70)
Poland: 320 euro (one person)(%100) (We will give you %70)
Croatia: 370 euro (one person)(%100) (We will give you %70)
Romania: 250 euro (one person)(%100) (We will give you %70)
!!! Please don’t exceed that limits !!!
* The tickets will can be bought after 15.01.2014, before you buy the tickets please send them to us in order to make confirmation
* The arrival date is on 15 March 2014 do not buy ticket after this date
* 22 March is departure date, do not buy ticket before this date (We are thinking: We want to buy your departure tickets, we will decide until next infopack)
* You may come 3 days before the project and leave 3 days after the project (in this case, you have to take into consideration finding an accommodation on your own)
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