Schimb de tineri în Murcia, Spania
“BANNY” nu este nici pe departe o persoană cu dorinţa de a călători spre locuri vestice, să urmeze soarele. Este abrevierea proiectului “Be aware, nature needs you!” care în română ar suna cam aşa: “Fii pe fază, natura are nevoie de tine!”.
(articol scris de Alin Ionuţ Gîlcă)
General information:
Proiectul se va desfăşura în perioada 16-24 septembrie în Murcia, unde soarele nu oboseşte niciodată. Murcia este una din cele 17 regiuni ale Spaniei şi este situată în sud-estul Spaniei, reprezentând 2,2% din suprafaţa totală a ţării.
Dar să revenim la proiect... Timp de 9 zile participanţii vor încerca să descopere slăbiciunile şi problematica degradării naturii prin diferite activităţi interactive.
Natura va fi implicată în activităţile participanţilor, deoarece motelul la care vor fi cazaţi şi unde se va întâmpla magia, se află în mijlocul naturii la 6 km de oraş, iar acest lucru îi va face pe voluntari să înţeleagă pe deplin nevoile şi problemele naturii, convieţuind cu ea.
Dar pentru că această regiune a Spaniei nu merită nicidecum neglijată ca şi punct turistic, participanţii vor fi cazaţi pentru câteva zile şi în Hotelul “Casa Emilio” din centrul Murciei pentru a fi aproape de majoritatea punctelor principale, precum: catedrala ori străzile pline de cafenele şi buticuri tipice regiunii, şi de ce nu să facă cunoştinţă şi cu viaţa de noapte specifică oraşului plin de lumini şi tineri.
În câteva cuvinte, acest proiect are ca scop principal cunoaşterea problemelor naturii prin creativitate, şi de ce nu ca scop secundar promovarea regiunii.
General information:
“BANNY! Be aware, nature needs you” will be held in Murcia (Spain) from 16th-24th September, 2013. With 21 youngsters from 4 different countries, the central topics will be Environment and Art.
During 9 days, participants from Spain, Turkey, Romania and Poland will promote social awareness about environment and multicultural inclusion, projecting videos and performing scripts recorded and written by themselves, respectively. It will be thus necessary at least one laptop per team, with software for video edition (such Windows Movie Maker...) included, since every country will be responsible for editing its own video.
The aim of the project is to emphasize environmental awareness through creativity.
The program will include other activities as well, such as fotomarathon, visit to an astronomical observatory and mountain orientation. Additionally, in this Youth Exchange Action 1.1, information about Youth in Action program will be shared with the participants to encourage them to take part and develop future projects.
In the south-east of Spain, Murcia is one of the seventeenth regions of this country. Its diversity, which includes from mountain villages to beautiful coasts, its climate, one of the best in Spain during all year round, and the friendliness of its people, Los Murcianos, make of Murcia one the most popular and amazing regions.
Young people, culture,sun, seaside and nature are only some of the ingredients that make Murcia unique, and we hope your staying here will be as colourful as this area is.
P.d We don't take responsibility in case it rains while you are here.
For you all to see the different options Murcia offers, we will be staying in two different places:
Most of the time, we will stay in a hostel, El Valle, just 6 km far from the center. Surrounded by nature, it will be the perfect scenario to develop most of the activities the project is about, and to be really aware of how nature needs you.
During two days, we will stay in a hotel in the center of Murcia, Casa Emilio. Its location makes it perfect to visit the most popular places in Murcia: the Cathedral, the most famous squares and the main streets full of shops and cafés.
You will have the opportunity to enjoy also the night life of this city full of young people.
We are also preparing visits during daytime to other places such as Cartagena, the most touristic city in the region due to its location right on the coast.
How to reach Murcia:
The closest airport to Murcia is Alicante Airport (El Altet), and there are direct buses from this airport to the centre of Murcia:
Bus timetable from Alicante Airport to Murcia (duration 55 min aprox. and price 5,15 euros)
8.15 11.15 13.15 15.15 17.15 19.15
Also, there are buses from Murcia centre to Alicante Airport 8.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00
The second closest airport is Valencia (Manises), and there are also buses to Murcia and from Murcia:
Bus Timetable from Valencia Airport to Murcia (duration 6h aprox. and 30 euros)
9.45 (will arrive in Murcia around 16.00) and 13.30 (will arrive in Murcia around 20.00)
And from Murcia center to Valencia Airport
7.15 (will be in Valencia at 12.35), 11.30 (will be in Valencia at 17.45) and 13.00 (will be in Valencia at 17.45)
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