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8th UNESCO Youth Forum - Call for proposals of action projects [DL:12.08]

UNESCO has launched a Call for proposals of action projects open to all young people, from 18 to 35 years old, members of a youth-led or youth-focused organisation, project leaders or young entrepreneurs active in an established NGO. 

They will have to submit proposals for an innovative action project in their community, country or region focussing on a innovative and feasible action for development, by and for youth, tackling youth-related issues and contributing to the general theme of the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum: “Youth and Social Inclusion: Civic Engagement, Dialogue and Skills Development” .

Specifically the proposals should address one of the 7 specific themes, which are the result of youth consultations conducted by UNESCO from February to April 2013: 

1. Social Inclusion 
2. Civic Engagement and Participation 
3. Intercultural Dialogue 
4. Social Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation 
5. Violence and Conflict Prevention, and Consolidation of Peace 
6. Democracy 
7. Skills Development

All action projects must aim at promoting UNESCO's fundamental principles: human rights, gender equality, culture of peace and sustainable development.

The proposed projects should focus on the three axes of the UNESCO Operational Strategy on Youth (2014-2021) with a view to reaching the following long-term objectives: 

i) Address the policy environment that can impact policy formulation or implementation affecting youth – the objective of these is to strengthen and encourage meaningful youth participation in the formulation, revision or implementation of public policies and programmes affecting youth;
ii) Focus on capacity development of young women and men, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalised , strengthening their inherent competences and skills thus providing them with diversified learning opportunities to ensure their integration in social, economic and political life;
iii) Support or further enable youth engagement as citizens and social actors, particularly by vulnerable or marginalized young women and men or by youth that do not have the opportunities to engage in and lead constructive action in their communities

The projects should be planned to be implemented over a period of up to 2 years.

The budget allocated for each project can range from 10,000 USD to 500,000 USD.

Deadline to submit project proposals: 12 August 2013

An independent international jury will pre-select 45 projects by the end of September 2013 and their initiators will be invited to submit one-minute video describing their project so that these 45 short films can be visible online by mid-October 2013. 

Then, during the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum, 29 to 31 October 2013, the young participants will examine and discuss the 45 pre-selected projects with a view to choosing a total of 15 (3 youth-led action projects per the five UNESCO regions). 

On 31 October 2013, the 15 projects awarded the "8th UNESCO Youth Forum" label will be announced and presented at the 37th UNESCO General Conference, in November 2013.

All details can be found here:

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