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Schimb de tineri în Estonia

În perioada 16-24 iunie 2013, suntem parteneri în proiectul "CONNECTING WITHOUT CONNECTION!“, desfăşurat în Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia. Dacă ești interesat/ă, te rugăm să completezi chestionarul disponibil la: http://asirys.blogspot.ro/2013/01/campanie-de-recrutare-voluntari-2013.html şi să ne trimiți un mesaj pe supertineri@yahoo.com. Căutăm 1 lider de grup şi 4 participanți! Liderul va trebui să participe în perioada 2-4 iunie la vizita de planificare în avans din Estonia. Mai multe detalii despre proiect, se găsesc mai jos. 

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform, that our project „Connecting without Connection!“ is supported bt the Estonian National Agency and we will be waiting and hosting you starting from 16th to 24th June, 2013.

Group leaders, we will be waiting you for the APV in 2th to 4th June, 2013. The venue for the meeting will be the same as for the project itself – Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia.

In the included Infopack you will find the application form with brief information about you so please fill it and send it back to us. This information will help us to better prepare our project.

It is compulsory for all participants to have travel insurance covering the duration of your stay in Estonia, including the days of your arrival and departure. If you have any special needs (such as allergies, diets, etc.) let us know and concerning the Turkish group please inform us how many of you eat pork and drink alcohol. We need to arrange the food etc. in advance and it might be a problem to solve your special needs if you don't tell us about them until you arrive to the Estonia.

From 1st May 2013, you can start buying the train, plane or bus tickets to get to the venue of the project. Attention - we won´t be able refund any expenses made before this date! Your travel ticket must be also maximum two days before and two days after our project.

For the plane tickets we ask you to buy tickets to Riga Airport, Latvia. In Latvia our group will be waiting you and we will drive with a private bus to Kuressaare. Riga is near the border of Estonia and it will be more comfortable. For leaving, please do the same.
NB! Please make sure that you will be in Riga on the evening of 15th June. We will leave Riga in the night and then arrive to Kuressaare early morning of 16th June.

For APV, leaders, please buy your tickets to Tallinn Airport, Estonia. As the meeting is a very short one, Tallinn is a little bit closer and we will be able to start our meeting earlier. Please be in Tallinn in the day of 2nd June. We will be going together from Tallinn to Kuressaare.

We reimburse the travel cost ONLY up to the limit designated for your country (See table in the end of this infopack). The best way for cooperation is send us your travel plan before booking for our approval so please send us your choosing ticket before booking for final confirmation if it’s OK for reimbursement. We will reimburse only those tickets that will show the currency, dates of your travel, places you are travelling from/to and your name (or number of passengers). Keep all your tickets (also from your local buses and trains).

Please send us your participants list and travel details including copy of your booked flight ticket or bus/train ticket no later than 20th May 2013!


What is it about?
Acknowledging and discussing about the communication problems between people caused by the intensive online communication.
Reviving alternatives to online communication, practicing and experiencing those through different activities.

Lead people away from the internet environment; remind them the magic in immediate contact and face-to-face communication.  
• Bring people closer to each other 
• Get more information about the different communication customs of different cultures 
• Experience immediate communication between various environments 
• Offer alternatives to online communication 
• Become more open and courageous and through that building communication activity while being offline  
• Raising awareness about the problems caused by the intensive use of the internet 

The youth exchange will take place from 16th of June till 24th of June 2013, in Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia. The project involves 8 days, not including the arrival and departure dates. There are 30 participants between the ages of 18 to 30 in the project and they are from 6 different countries: Estonia, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Turkey. 

In order to achieve the purpose of the project we use the following ways: active communication between each other and the locals; contact movement workshop; discussions, brainstorming, introducing different communication customs; discussions about the problems caused by internet; trips to nature;  co-operation with the local youngsters; co-operation with the local media.


The project will take place in the biggest island of Estonia – Saaremaa. It is a famous touristical place, especially for people from Finland, Russia, Germany, etc.  Kuressaare is a wanted place for its rich SPA-culture and SPA-hotels. The city is surrounded from on side with the see and offers a lovely architecture in its old-town. The most famous place in Kuressaare is definately the Kuressaare castle, which stands there from the medieval times.
You can find some more information on these following sites:

During the project we will also have a trip to the nature – Koigi bog. We will be there for one day, just experience a rare case of nature, that Estonia has to offer.

We will spend the nights in the school dormitory in rooms for  2 and 4 people. You can see some more info about the hostel here:
The contact details for the hostel can be found on the web-page.

The last night will be spent in another place way up north in Saaremaa Island. 


- There will be a common cultural night, where you can give us a taste of your country’s speciality, food, drinks, candys, etc. Please bring some additional material about your contry, flag or some other national symbols.
- The weather during end of June in Estonia is usually warm and sunny with about 18-24 degrees, but during the last years there has been also a good chance of rain, so please be prepared for both. In the summer there is also a great chance of thunder in Estonia. The nights will be the longest, almost the hole night sill be light. This is also the reason for our Midsummers festival. Please chechk the weather channel before starting packing for project.
- Most of the project will be held indoors, but there are planned some outdoor activities, which we would not like to cancel because of some warm rain. Please bring suitable clothes. We will have some sportly activities, please bring comfortable clothes and also shoes/slippers for indoor activities.
- Take your medicin with you. You can surely find your medicin here in Estonia, but it will be much easier if you take your own with you. 
- Don’t forget to change some Euros. Food and drinks three times a day are covered, but if you would like to have some snacks and additional drinks, you have the possibility.

Your InterActiveEst

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