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YOUTH EVENT 2013 Photo Exhibition

From February 27 to 28, the 5th Global Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations of the United Nations, preceded by a Youth Event on February 26 will take place in Vienna, Austria.

More than 1000 political leaders and civil society representatives will assemble in Vienna to discuss the topic of "Responsible Leadership in Diversity and Dialogue".

On this occasion, a photo exhibition at the conference venue will display different perspectives on the topics of the conference.

We invite you to submit your entry in one of the following three categories:

-  Perspectives on Religious Pluralism
-  Freedom of the Media Matters!
-  A new Narrative on Diversity

The best photos will be displayed at the conference venue as well as on the homepage of the UNAOC Global Forum 2013. The best 5 photos will be printed on postcards and distributed among the participants of the Global Forum. The best 3 photos will be awarded with a LOMO CAMERA. The best photo will be awarded with 200 euro. The Prizes have been generously donated by the Federation of Austrian Industries.

- You are under the age of 35.
- Photographs must be in digital format and submitted as electronic attachments via e-mail at youtheventvienna@iz.or.at.
- Only one photo can be submitted per person.
- All submissions must include the photographer name, date of birth and email address; as well as a short explanation of the photograph (no more than 10 sentences).
- Submitted photo files must be minimum 1MB, maximum 5MB; 2000x2000 pixels (with minimum 150 DPI).
- The selected finalists will be notified by e-mail. Entries not selected will not be notified!
- Deadline for submissions is February 17, 2013.

2 comentarii

Alexandra Muscalu spunea...

Miha,dacă mai găsești concursuri la care voluntarii pot participa și trebuie scrise articole,pot să te ajut dacă vrei...vreau să învăț să scriu cât mai bine!:D

M spunea...

Tot timpul când găsesc un concurs interesant pentru tineri şi voluntari în special, îl public pe blog! Aşadar dacă eşti interesată să participi la un concurs, în special, spune-mi!